Women teacher empowerment and the use of digital technologies for the mathematics teaching during confinement for COVID 19


  • María Guadalupe Simón Ramos Mexico




Teacher empowerment, mathematics teaching, feminist epistemology, socioepistemology


The situation of women mathematics teachers in Mexico has characteristics strongly associated with how the mathematics and their teaching has been constituted within a patriarchal culture. We analyzed the presence of woman teachers in México and the process of empowerment of a group of them on an educational level where they represent a minority (pre-university). We utilize the opportunity that represents the necessary incorporation of virtual environments during 2020. We integrate the Feminist Epistemology and the Socioepiste-
mological Theory of Mathematics Education as the perspectives that permit us to analyze how their gender condition marks their relationship with mathematics and digital technologies. We identify a low self-assessment of their capacities, but as well that most of them were capable of transforming their practice and integrating new digital technologies.


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How to Cite

Simón Ramos, M. G. (2021). Women teacher empowerment and the use of digital technologies for the mathematics teaching during confinement for COVID 19. TSN. Transatlantic Studies Network, (11), 77–87. https://doi.org/10.24310/TSN.2021.vi11.14333