About the origin of the Douglas' Days of Teba


  • Isidoro Otero Cabrera Spain




James Douglas, Robert I, the Crusades, the Star Castle, Teba


In 2014, it was seven centuries since the important victory of the Scots against the troops of Edward II of England, the battle of Bannockburn, which was decisive in achieving independence. A decade remains until the seventh centenary of the James Douglas Crusade is commemorated, the origin of one of the most unique historical festivals in the province of Málaga. After putting the historical background in context, we analyze the characteristics and peculiarities of the Douglas Days held in the ducal town of Teba.


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How to Cite

Otero Cabrera, I. (2020). About the origin of the Douglas’ Days of Teba. TSN. Transatlantic Studies Network, (10), 179–189. https://doi.org/10.24310/TSN.2020.vi10.13652