"Latins around the world”. A LOMLOE learning situation in Latin 1st Year of Baccalaureate


  • María Victoria Vaello Rodríguez EOI Moratalaz (Madrid) / UNED Spain




Learning situation, Latin, Baccalaureate, Romance languages, methodology, ICTs


In this article I describe my experience in the design, development and implementation of a LOMLOE learning situation (L.S.) entitled “Latins around the world” in the subject of Latin 1º de Bachillerato. First of all, I explain what a L.S. consists of. Then, I explain in detail how I have organised the L.S. “Latins around the world”, which revolves around the survival and relevance of Latin, not only but especially through Romance languages. I also outline other L.S. at this level and Latin 2º de Bachillerato, giving my view on the importance of teaching gender equality, respect for diversity, digital literacy and fostering creativity, among other values. Finally, I give my opinion on the difficulty of combining the multitude of content provided by the LOMLOE with the new L.S., and I make a final assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology used in L.S.


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