El griego en la nomenclatura científica de la botánica: El Jardín del Malecón, Murcia


  • Aurora Amorós Fernández Spain


Greek etymology, secondary education, didactic resource, Botanic, Murcia


This work has as it’s objective the study of the Greek language in the scientific names of some present plants in the city of Murcia. Its ultimate purpose is to encourage in Secondary school pupils the interest to investigate in their cultural and natural heritage by means of a journey planned around a Murcia garden. The activity promotes the learning of Greek words and the surprising discoveries that can always be found in etymology. Likewise, it tries to contribute to the domain of the scientific lexicon, a competence of undoubted importance for a pupil of Bachillerato. The didactic material details the results of the etymological investigation on twenty-seven species of the garden Malecón; it adapts to the diversity of pupils by means of tasks of differing difficulty and offers a summary of the body of work from the investigation in a digital support format for teachers and students of this level.


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