Tesmoforias, la comedia aristofánica como una estrategia educativa en el IES J. L. Castillo Puche, Yecla (Murcia)
Theatre, Tesmoforias, Caligae, educationAbstract
The creation of the theatrical group ‘CALIGAE’ by two teachers, lovers of the humanities, from the Secondary School José L. Castillo Puche, in Yecla (Region of Murcia) has tried to approach the Greco-Roman theatre to all the students who have attended the performances. The influence of the classics has remained till these days making everybody realize its power on education. The inclusion of the theatrical performance, conceived as literary manifestation and expressive creation becomes relevant as an excellent activity to form the individual through texts as well as through the different circumstances of the staging. Therefore, as we recognize the benefits of theatre in the adolescence stage and the influence of the Greco-Roman world in later works for its great literary value, we resolved to perform this great task for the fi fth year running, which was to put on the stage TESMOFORIAS, by the playwright Aristophanes, getting deep into his microcosm where we can see the whole Athenian society, with their uses and customs and, above all, paying attention to the role of the woman in the classic Greece.
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