Latín vs. inglés. Estudio etimológico de un vocabulario técnico en inglés aplicado a la docencia en Secundaria


  • María Luz Husillos García Spain



Etymology, vocabulary, lingua franca


It is a generalized fact in Secondary Education the lack of motivation of the students before the teaching-learning processes. Faced with this reality, the need to innovate arises, using a methodology that shows the usefulness of the subject from the first moment, since when students perceive that what they are studying can really help them or can serve them in the future, they face the problems, subjects with much more motivation. For this reason, it is essential that the teacher manages to arouse the interest of his students, making the classes more motivating, while still meeting the established learning objectives. In the case presented here, a technical english vocabulary applied to a specific discipline, such as Economics, will be made, indicating its etymology. This is intended to create a didactic tool to facilitate english students learning any technical vocabulary in a simpler and faster way, through knowledge of latin, while it is presented as a motivating strategy for latin students, making them see another utility of this matter.


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