Imberbe como una mujer, negro como un lobo: una propuesta de lectura de Dafnis y Cloe


  • Alejandro Pina Terraza Spain



Ancient Greek didactics, Greek novel, gender, gender performance, Greek literature, Daphnis and Chloe, Longus, coronavirus


The Longus’ Greek novel Daphnis and Chloe could be a really interesting source of texts for translation in Ancient Greek I and II and for the introduction of gender reflection in the classroom. This type of subject has few students. This
circumstance helps to create an interesting second one: the classroom atmosphere is like an individual lesson: it’s possible to make an individual assistance and to adapt the didactic process to each student’s learning rhythm. This can be also made in the Coronavirus’ Crisis, whose consequences are yet to be known. This activity proposal is based on reading Daphnis and Chloe as a very meaningful and literary experience to the students which brings thinking about gender. The exercise of reading Daphnis and Chloe can be evaluated by means of a dialogical literary gathering, a translation, and/or a text commentary. The three of them can be made to check if there has been an effi cient reading comprehension and, at the same time, the students can practice their acquired translation skills.


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