Numismatics as a resource to teach Classical Culture. A didactic proposal


  • María Luz Husillos García IES Recesvinto. Venta de Baños (Palencia) Spain



Classical Culture, Numismatics, Didactic resources


The content of this work is to present a different resource for the teaching of the subject of Classical Culture of 2nd and 4th of ESO, as part of a didactic methodology that has to be adapted to the diff erent rhythms, styles and levels of the students, in order to personalize learning processes.
In this case, a tool close to the student’s environment has been chosen and that may be attractive to him, such as the world of numismatics in the classical world, which in addition to serving as a didactic resource, is a source of historical knowledge.
To carry out the work, images of modern coins and bills have been used, which will allow the development of theoretical aspects of the Classical Culture curriculum, which will be complemented by a practical proposal, based on images of coins from the classical world. The latter will be done using book covers depicting coins, which will help develop language communication competence, while creating a broader and more enriching learning environment.


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