Influence of body mass index in agility during childhood


  • D Pardo López Universidad de Málaga Spain



agility, obesity, overweight, healthy lifestyle, BMI


This paper's main objective is to investigate the influence that could have a body mass index (BMI) in children of lower primary about the speed.

To check that influence a sample of 67 students between 6 and 8 years of age being 50.8% female and 49.2% male gender was selected. Both groups underwent the Illinois agility test, they also took the height and weight to calculate your BMI based on the reference table Tim Cole (2000), plus another question was asked about the practice of exercise outside schools.

Finally the statistical data taking into account the results obtained are presented, taking all possible variables in order to get as much information as possible.


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How to Cite

Pardo López, D. (2016). Influence of body mass index in agility during childhood. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 5(1), 50–69.


