Effects on self-perception in people over 60 years of a program of physical activity in water


  • V Serrano-Huete Universidad de Jaén Spain
  • E Lozano-Aguilera Universidad de Jaén Spain
  • MC Terán-Torres Universidad de Jaén Spain
  • JA Laredo-Aguilera Universidad de Castilla la Mancha Spain
  • JA Párraga-Montilla Universidad de Jaén Spain




elderly, active aging, aquatic physical activity, mood, health perception


Introduction: the incidence of the aging process is observed on the physical, mental and social capacities and their relationship with the quality of life, hence the importance of the practice of physical activity in the elderly. The aquatic environment is an ally in physical activity with adults for applying a low joint impact. Objective: to check the evolution of the mood of the participants in a program of aquatic physical activity. Method: 98 adults (69,08 ±7,39years) performed a program of aquatic physical activity with two sessions (60 min) per week for 20 weeks. There were three evaluations: pre-intervention, during and post-intervention, using the POMS scale and the SF-36 scale. Results: significant differences were found, with increased vigor, reduction of tension, fatigue, depression and hostility, perceiving an improvement in health. Conclusion: aquatic physical activity improves the perception of the mood of the participants, both in the physical component and in the mental.


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How to Cite

Serrano-Huete, V., Lozano-Aguilera, E., Terán-Torres, M., Laredo-Aguilera, J., & Párraga-Montilla, J. (2018). Effects on self-perception in people over 60 years of a program of physical activity in water. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 7(2), 128–136. https://doi.org/10.24310/riccafd.2018.v7i2.5098




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