Physical fitness behavior in older adults
older adults, homes for elderly, motor activityAbstract
Introduction: The demographic increase of older people is a global event in the 21st century. Achieving a healthy physical condition will increase the quality of life of this age group. Objective: To evaluate the physical fitness behaviors of older adults in Villa Clara province. Materials and methods: A descriptive study was carried out. The following variables were studied: strength, agility, balance, general mobility, coordination, flexibility and endurance. Results and Discussion: The results of the test are associated, predominating the evaluation of good in Ranchuelo (40 %), in Quemado de Guines (53.3 %), very good in San Juan de la Yera (86.7 %) and in the nursing home 2 of Santa Clara, the evaluation of good (65 %). Conclusion: The province of Villa Clara demonstrates the importance of physical fitness evaluations of older adults.
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