Topology of injuries in children and youth field hockey players


  • Walter Foresto Prof. Lic. en Educacion Fisica Argentina



Topologia, Lesiones, Hockey sobre cesped


Objective: To describe the topography of injuries in male youth field hockey players. Material and Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. A non-probabilistic sample was used for convenience. 455 field hockey players participated in this study. Results: In total, 144 injuries occurred, of which 32 injuries were muscular (40%), 26 bone (32%) and 22 ligamentous (28%) in strip A, and 9 muscle injuries (15%), 20 bone (33%) and 31 ligamentous (52%) in strip B. The 3 types of injuries with the highest incidence were muscle contractures, upper limb trauma and ankle sprains. Conclusion: Injuries are multifactorial and must be contextualized. Therefore, the description of the topology of the injuries, the pre-existing factors and a correct intervention are the objective mainly of the medical staff and coaching staff. 


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How to Cite

Foresto, W. (2024). Topology of injuries in children and youth field hockey players. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 13(3), 51–61.


