Music, physical fitness and adolescents: systematic review




music, physical fitness, physical education, health, adolescents


Physical fitness (PF) is an important indicator of health in adolescents. Likewise, music can be a key factor in the practice of long-term physical activity, having a space in Physical Education (PE) due to the positive effects on factors: motor, technical, physical and psychosocial. Hence, the objective of this systematic review was to evaluate intervention programs with music on CF-Health in adolescents in the field of PE. Original articles were reviewed in the databases WOS, Scopus, SPORTDiscus and Google Scholar between the years 2013-2023, following the principles of PRISMA statement, finally selecting 9 articles. The results show positive effects of music programs in improving CF-health, as well as in the enjoyment and self-esteem of adolescents. Despite the scarcity of studies found, the conclusions suggest that programs with music increase PF and motivation in PE classes, hence their inclusion to achieve higher levels of performance in adolescents.


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How to Cite

Álamo-Martínez, G., Peláez-Barrios, E. M., & Vernetta, M. (2024). Music, physical fitness and adolescents: systematic review. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 13(1), 86–103.


