Effects of an adapted utilitarian judo program on a 54-year-old adult. Case study.
older-adults, fragility, falls, physical activity, adapted utilitarian judoAbstract
Active and integrated ageing of the population is one of the main challenges to which administrations must respond. Dimensions such as frailty and fear of falling are associated with physical, psychological and social limitations of older adults. The aim is to find out whether the application of the JUA programme increases the quality of life by positively affecting the fear of falling and the perception of health, based on the improvement of their physical condition and the control of falls. A case study is proposed for a 54-year-old male subject. The subject's fear of falling, quality of life, health perception and physical condition were analysed. The results showed an improvement in all the dimensions studied. We conclude that the JUA programme brings benefits on physical and psychological performance in the subject of study.
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