An island named Arboleya (Enrique Gómez Arboleya and legal prevalence of the metaphor)


  • FELIPE NAVARRO MARTÍNEZ Universidad de Málaga Spain



Enrique Gómez Arboleya, Federico García Lorca, Wilhem Dilthey, Review Gallo, Philosophy of Law, Spanish Sociology, History of Law


The paper intends to bring back to the foreground, on the one hundred and ten anniversary of his birth, the name of Enrique Gómez Arboleya, the first Professor of Philosophy of Law who obtained this condition after the Civil War, as well as later the first Professor of Sociology in Spain and one of the parents of such discipline in Spain. His tragic dead frustrated a dazzling intellectual trajectory. His work had begun with a literary performance as remarkable as promising in the nucleus of the Granada avant-garde led by Federico García Lorca. However, suddenly abandoning Literature to focus on Law and Legal Philosophy -and then on Sociology-. Some metaphors harbored in his literary work survive in his thought and in his later scientific production, and allow a narrative approach to the reasons that moved him intellectually and vitally until his suicide in 1959.


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Author Biography

FELIPE NAVARRO MARTÍNEZ, Universidad de Málaga

Profesor asociado de Filosofía del Derecho


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How to Cite

NAVARRO MARTÍNEZ, F. (2020). An island named Arboleya (Enrique Gómez Arboleya and legal prevalence of the metaphor). Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (23), 47–59.



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