On the use of literature in the teaching of Law


  • PABLO RAÚL BONORINO RAMÍREZ Universidad de Vigo Spain




Law, literature, legal interpretation, constitutional interpretation, justice, punishment, legal theory


This paper explores three options for using literature as a pedagogical tool for teaching law and legal theory. The first, called "law in literature", which invites you to explore the way in which legal and political issues appear in literary works. The second, called "law and literature", proposed methodological similarities between the study of law and literary theory. And the third, called "law and literature", that aims to establish partial analogies between the activity of interpretation made by lawyers and which is performed not directly on literary texts, but in theoretical work carried out on them. In order to provide an accurate picture of the educational possibilities of each one, the paper develop three examples: the novel "Billy Budd, Sailor" by Herman Melville, the legal theory of Ronald Dworkin, and the text of Borges “Pierre Menard, author of Don Quixote". In this way, the paper shows how you can develop a method of teaching law in which literature plays a leading role.


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Author Biography


Profesor Titular de Universidad – Filosofía del Derecho


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How to Cite

BONORINO RAMÍREZ, P. R. (2011). On the use of literature in the teaching of Law. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (4), 73–90. https://doi.org/10.24310/REJIE.2011.v0i4.7860


