The approval of the Spanish framework of qualifications for higher education and employability of university students


  • CONSUELO CAMACHO PEREIRA Centro Andaluz de Estudios Empresariales Spain
  • CAYETANO MEDINA MOLINA Profesora de Derecho del consumo Spain



qualifications, framework, higher education, descriptors, levels, employability


In the present work shows the reach of Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES), approved by Royal Decree 1027/2011, 15th. of July as a benchmark, allowing consistent placement of all qualifications higher education in Spain, for classification and comparison with other European countries and with their own qualifications framework for the European Higher Education Area, focusing on assessing the potential impact for the purpose of facilitating the mobility of students in national and international labor market. The MECES has hosted four levels according to the learning outcomes achieved by students in the field of higher education. Descriptors such results should be reflected in the European Diploma Supplement, which becomes the letter to the student who enters the labor market. Despite the progress that involve the work done in this regard, we consider the student's employability requires the acquisition of technological and language skills that are not covered between learning outcomes, and the success of the qualifications framework need further information to the businessmen and their participation in its development.


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Author Biographies

CONSUELO CAMACHO PEREIRA, Centro Andaluz de Estudios Empresariales

Profesora de Derecho del consumo

CAYETANO MEDINA MOLINA, Profesora de Derecho del consumo

Profesor de Marketing


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How to Cite

CAMACHO PEREIRA, C., & MEDINA MOLINA, C. (2012). The approval of the Spanish framework of qualifications for higher education and employability of university students. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (5), 67–86.


