Cinema as learning tool implemented in teaching Administrative Law


  • ELSA MARINA ÁLVAREZ GONZÁLEZ Universidad de Málaga Spain



film, Law, teaching methods, teaching experience


Our interest in film as a teaching resource for the teaching of law arises in 2008 when we became an active member of DeCine Project, led from the University of La Coruña, and under which it has established a Teachers Network of Universities Spanish using film as a methodological resource. Inthis way, when we assume the teaching of the subject Fundamentals of Public Law Degree in Criminology found that its program included many of the issues that were contained in learning materials for the film "Cell 211" prepared by LÓPEZ GARCÍA, M., University of Malaga. Thus, we select the film and we dump it all the practical activities of the subject. Therefore, the aim of our work is to present the objectives we have pursued this film activity, the skills that students have acquired, activity content, the methodology and learning outcomes.


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Author Biography


Profesora Contratada Doctora de Derecho Administrativo


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How to Cite

ÁLVAREZ GONZÁLEZ, E. M. (2015). Cinema as learning tool implemented in teaching Administrative Law. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (11), 97–109.


