The Socratic Dialogue as part of practical training in Law studies


  • ALICIA CHICHARRO LÁZARO Universidad Pública de Navarra Spain



Socratic Dialogue, teaching - learning tool, didactic innovation


The Socratic Dialogue is a very useful teaching-learning tool in the training of Law. The analysis of complex legal issues through this technique allows students to research in a more or less structured way the most appropriate solutions to the posed problems. The students provide their own opinions taking into account and confronting the classmates’ ones.
In this article, the experience acquired in some subjects of the new Law Degree applying the Socratic Dialogueas a tool to stimulate reflection on certain issues is explained. Here the students will seek the legal solutions to the given problem, sharing a group discussion where questions and answers happen without interruption. Not only does this teaching-learning tool strengthen the students’ ability to analyze, comprehend and argue about a topic, but it is also useful as a spur of the subsequent autonomous learning.


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Author Biography

ALICIA CHICHARRO LÁZARO, Universidad Pública de Navarra

Profesora Contratada Doctora de Derecho Internacional Público y Relaciones Internacionales


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How to Cite

CHICHARRO LÁZARO, A. (2016). The Socratic Dialogue as part of practical training in Law studies. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (14), 41–59.


