The training of the technician in occupational health and safety in relation to education and training as an indicator of the culture of prevention





Education, access training, training, advanced technician in occupational safety and health, preventive culture


The training of occupational risk prevention professionals must be in line with the high responsibility that derives from their functions and the nature of the legal good they manage, such as the safety and health of workers. This training requires adequate training according to the complexity of their functions that allows them to face them in the best conditions and with the greatest guarantees. The enhancement of such training and, by extension, its inclusion at all levels of the education system will facilitate the consolidation of the culture of prevention not only in the work environment, but also in the collective imagination, in all areas and sectors of society, in all active and passive subjects, who may intervene or suffer at some time in the gestation, implementation and assimilation of this culture


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How to Cite

GARCÍA ARANDA, T. (2020). The training of the technician in occupational health and safety in relation to education and training as an indicator of the culture of prevention. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (21), 99–121.



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