Deposit and reading of a doctoral thesis: a crossroads of procedimientales procedures. An approximation to the normative framework of the University of Malaga





doctoral thesis, procedure, reading and defense, University of Malaga


Since the provisional deposit of a doctoral thesis until the day of reading and defense before the Court, takes place a stage in which the investigative function is parked to give way to the task of the citizen who has to give due fulfillment to the corresponding procedure. The new bases fruit of the important role that is assigned to the doctorate as intersection between the European Space of Higher Education and the European Area of Investigation, together with the implementation of the electronic procedures, make appropriate a set of reflections that constitute the object of this work


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How to Cite

RANDO BURGOS, E. (2019). Deposit and reading of a doctoral thesis: a crossroads of procedimientales procedures. An approximation to the normative framework of the University of Malaga. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (20), 111–131.



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