The protection of fundamental rights and the improvement of school coexistence through the theoretical-practical learning of the figure of the Ombudsman





teaching innovation, Ombudsman, fundamental rights, teaching-learning


In the present contribution a teaching innovation proposal is proposed aimed at making known to the students the institution of the Ombudsman at the state level, and their counterpart figures in the Autonomous Communities, as well as the Ombudsman in the field of European Union as a means to manifest certain problems related to school coexistence, among others. The present proposal is based on the socio-critical paradigm referred to a learning-service methodology from which the design of a teaching innovation proposal is proposed to promote in the students an approach to the figure of the Ombudsman. The work will be developed with a group of fifty students of the subjects Constitutional Law and Administrative Law of the Degree in Law, with ages between 18 and 20 years, during the academic year 2019/2020. In this line, it is intended to develop a pedagogical intervention proposal that incorporates theoretical and practical aspects related to the figure of the Ombudsman contemplating a series of activities focused on the areas of research, analysis, reflection and resolution of practical cases, while promoting in turn transversal educational actions that will provide students with a more complete and positive view of themselves, others and their environment. The objective of this proposal, apart from bringing the institution closer to students, is centered on the prevailing need to train citizens aware of the importance of ensuring the protection of their fundamental rights, in addition to making them participants in the transversal process of respect for the same in the sphere of their social relations, which are developed in an essential way in the classroom, a space for the construction of networks and links


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How to Cite

ALONSO GARCÍA, M. N. (2019). The protection of fundamental rights and the improvement of school coexistence through the theoretical-practical learning of the figure of the Ombudsman. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (20), 49–59.



Educational innovation and teaching methodologies