Contents on the "Employment Policy" in the subjet of labor law and Social Security


  • MIGUEL ÁNGEL GÓMEZ SALADO Universidad de Málaga



learning, content, local dimension, employment policies, scientific theory of employment polic


The structure of the contents of theme 7 (entitled «Employment policy and placement policy») of the subject Labor Law and Social Security –taught in the Degree in Social Work of the University of Malaga– from the Department of Labor and Social Security Law has the purpose of making this topic a place for critical analysis of the employment policy concept, the legal-normative framework of employment policy, the existing measures for the promotion of employment, and the placement policy.
In the different sections of this article, the contents and the scientific theory on which our method of work is supported are presented in general terms, with special emphasis on the need to deepen in the next courses (this deepening is presented as a proposal for improvement) in the contents on the local dimension of employment policies, recognizing the considerable role played by local entities in employment due to their proximity to the needs of citizens.


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How to Cite

GÓMEZ SALADO, M. ÁNGEL. (2018). Contents on the "Employment Policy" in the subjet of labor law and Social Security. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (17), 113–126.



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