The teaching of the administrative law principles through Georges Perec´s books


  • JAVIER MIRANZO DÍAZ Universidad de Málaga



Public Law, literature, teaching, Administrative Law principles, Georges Perec


The revenues that literature studies could have for law students have been addressed by diverse scholars throughout the last decades, especially in the Anglo-Saxon world. However, its application in legal education and professional expertise in our country is rather low. In the present paper we analyse the main advantages that can derive from the use of literary works in the course of Administrative Law, proposing Georges Perec’s book as an alternative to the works traditionally used. Particularly, the analysis focuses on the novel “W ou le souvenir d’enfance” and the possibilities it offers regarding the teaching of the administrative law principles and the basis of the public law system in relation to the first stages of study by undergraduate students.


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How to Cite

MIRANZO DÍAZ, J. (2018). The teaching of the administrative law principles through Georges Perec´s books. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (17), 27–42.



Educational innovation and teaching methodologies