Tax morale and behavioral economics: determinants of voluntary tax compliance


  • Yeray Villegas Almagro Universidad de Málaga Spain


tax fraud, tax morale, behavioral economics, surveys, tax education


This paper, presented on the basis of an empirical study carried out by means of a citizen survey, places the backbone of tax non-compliance in tax morale and economic psychology, both of the taxpayer and of the State. The study highlights the abandonment of the traditional economic approach, giving rise to a new approach that considers the incidence of very diverse determinants of citizens' behavior, such as the perception of the socio-economic reality or compliance with the constitutional principles governing the tax system on the part of the State. This leads to a reflection on its analysis, application and impact on the drafting of regulations, based on surveys, and the need for greater promotion of tax education to encourage citizens' knowledge on the subject


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How to Cite

Villegas Almagro, Y. (2022). Tax morale and behavioral economics: determinants of voluntary tax compliance. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (27), 101–128. Retrieved from



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