Senior University: Reinvention and Innovation in a Pandemic Context


  • María Isabel Torres Cazorla Universidad de Málaga Spain



COVID-19, lifelong learning, right to education, SDG 4, Senior University.


This article explains the practical experience of her author as a consequence of the pandemic at the so-called Senior University (Aula de Mayores +55) of the University of Málaga. Lifelong learning opportunities for all, together with the right to education in a pandemic context is a key point. The Senior University is an instrument for the social projection of the Universities and also has different names (depending of the University). This is an opportunity provided to people aged 50-55 years and over, to expand their knowledge about different subjects (Sanitary questions, Social and Legal Sciences, Literature, Arts, Economics, Foreign Languages, digital skills, among others). This is an opportunity, coming for the first time to the University (or coming back) as a lifelong socialization and learning experience. The Senior University has had to be adapted to the pandemic context (a new experience for students and teachers, developed in most cases via on-line tools). The personal experience of the author at the University of Málaga (Aula de Mayores+55) is the primary aspect to be considered, including an analysis of the practice followed by Spanish Universities. The personal motto is reinvention and innovation in a pandemic context.


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b) Otros documentos de consulta:

BOE (Sección dedicada a la COVID-19):

UNESCO (Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura):

Información sobre el ODS 4:

Declaración de Incheon:

Marco de Acción Educativa 2030:



How to Cite

Torres Cazorla, M. I. . (2022). Senior University: Reinvention and Innovation in a Pandemic Context. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (26), 73–91.



Educational innovation and teaching methodologies