Flipped classroom, teacher education and transformative agency: A preliminary study in pandemic with Argentine students


  • Daiana Yamila Rigo Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (Córdoba-Argentina) Argentina
  • Rosana Beatriz Squillari Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (Córdoba-Argentina) Argentina




teacher education, agency, flipped classroom, ICT


This paper is founded on a study which had the objective of comprehending the expressions of a group of students faced with the challenge of participating in a flipped classroom experience, as a way to rethink ICTs in future teaching practicing. And how the transforming agency allows to rethink the teacher’s future roll by incorporating new teaching methodologies involving technology. The study was attended by students enrolled in the career of the Faculty in Legal, Political and Social Sciences, from an Argentine university. The research was developed under the guidelines of programmatic interventions that aim to generate bridges between theory and educational practice. For data collection, a questionnaire with open questions was used that investigated the students' expressions about inverted class and transformative agency. The results show that the participants managed to generate ruptures with encapsulated educational practices in order to incorporate pedagogical approaches that include ICT in the teaching and learning processes. It is concluded that the analyses provide a contribution to rethink higher education and initial teacher training in the face of the new challenges that digital resources mark in the information society.


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How to Cite

Rigo , D. Y., & Squillari , R. B. (2021). Flipped classroom, teacher education and transformative agency: A preliminary study in pandemic with Argentine students . Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (25), 67–85. https://doi.org/10.24310/REJIE.2021.vi25.13102



Educational innovation and teaching methodologies