About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Revista Jurídica de Investigación e Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época) aims to open “a virtual space” for the open publication of quality academic work, both national and international, along two distinct lines:

- Analysis and reflection on university teaching activity in the field of legal disciplines (proposals for educational innovation, analysis of teaching methodologies, studies of the university regulatory framework...).

- Substantive research in Legal Sciences, a line in which REJIE presents itself as a multidisciplinary legal journal that pays special attention to the publication of the work that new researchers carry out in the development of their doctoral theses and final works of university studies.

REJIE publishes papers both in Spanish and in other languages (English, French, Portuguese, Italian) and is refereed under the double-blind peer review system. Its purpose is to contribute to the dissemination and popularization of the advances and results of published works, addressing researchers, teachers, students and the general public who wish to reflect on teaching and research in Legal Sciences.

Peer Review Process

All articles submitted, both those on educational innovation and teaching methodologies and those on substantive research, will be reviewed anonymously by at least two specialists, whose suggestions, if necessary, should be taken into account by the authors.

Book reviews will be evaluated by the journal's editorial team.

Open Access Policy

REJIE Nueva Epoca provides immediate and free open access to its content, based on the conviction that open access to scientific literature contributes to the transparency of the scientific process, favouring the dissemination of scientific knowledge among citizens.

With this objective, REJIE Nueva Época adheres to the Open Access (OA) journal movement and submits its entire contents to various indexes, repositories and national and international databases under this protocol; therefore, the submission of a paper for publication in the journal presupposes the explicit acceptance by the author of this method of distribution.

Author charges

In no case are authors obliged to pay publication charges for the processing of articles in this journal.

Journal History

The Revista Jurídica de Investigación e Innovación Educativa was born in the Faculty of Law of the University of Málaga as a result of an educational innovation project (PIE 017/08) directed by Professor Isabel González Ríos, publishing its first issue in January 2010, edited by eumed.net. Since then, REJIE has established itself as a journal of relevance and impact in the thematic lines of teaching innovation and substantive research in the field of Legal Sciences, indexed in the databases Latindex, Dice-Isoc, Dialnet and IdeasRePec.

Now detached from the initial project that gave rise to it, in 2018 the journal, while remaining under the direction of Professor González Ríos, begins a new stage characterised by its incorporation into the Open Journal System (OJS) and the UMA publishing house, adopting the name of Revista Jurídica de Investigación e Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época).