Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Proyecta56, an industrial Design Journal

					View Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Proyecta56, an industrial Design Journal

Welcome to the latest edition of Proyecta56: An Industrial Design Journal. This issue is dedicated to exploring the critical role of research in the field of industrial design. As we navigate through the complexities of the 21st century, rigorous research and evidence-based design practices have become essential for driving innovation, sustainability, and user-centered solutions.

One of the most pressing challenges facing industrial designers today is the urgent need for sustainability. In this issue, we spotlight groundbreaking research that addresses environmental concerns through innovative design. Barbara Pizzicato (from University of Campania, Italy) emphasizes the sustainable valorization of agro-industrial waste and by-products, transforming them into valuable resources for high-consumption sectors like textiles. By examining these research findings, we aim to inspire designers to integrate eco-friendly practices into their work and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Technological progress is rapidly transforming industrial design research. In this issue, Sara Lenzy introduces data sonification, a pioneering method to represent and communicate extensive datasets using sound, in her guest paper. This innovative approach fosters the creation of more efficient and groundbreaking products.
At the heart of industrial design lies the principle of user-centered design. Understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviors of users is crucial for creating products that are functional, meaningful, and engaging. Our featured articles delve into the latest research methodologies used to empathize with users, such as participatory design emphasizing the importance of designing for diverse and global audiences. Ruiz Gutierrez, from University of Guadalajara (Mexico) highlight the importances of social innovation in an educational setting involving students in a meaningful learning process, and preparing them to face real-world challenges with creativity and social commitment.

On the other hand, in this isssue we reflect on the identity of Spanish industrial design. Martinez (University of A Coruña) and Fernandez (University of Deusto) analyze the complexity of the development of industrial design in Spain and the difficulty in defining this identity.

As we embark on this journey through the pages of Proyecta56, we invite you to engage with the thought-provoking research and studies presented in this issue. Industrial design is a discipline that constantly challenges us to think differently, to innovate, and to create solutions that enhance the world around us. We hope that this edition not only informs but also inspires you to contribute to the ever-evolving narrative of industrial design through research.

Thank you for being a part of our community. Together, let us advance the field of industrial design through rigorous research and innovative thinking.


Maria Alonso Garcia

Editor of Proyecta56: An Industrial Design Journal

Published: 2024-06-29