Lev Shestov’s Philosophical View





philosophy of tragedy, metaphisics, science, ethics


Being a peculiar thinker and understood as an out-sider, Lev Shestov is the creator of a philosophy that, continuing the work of Nietzsche, Kierkegaard or Dostoievki, among others, comes to break for rebuild; this means that he creates a thought shaped by his Jewish roots, Russian culture as well as the philosophy and the religion, accompanied by a critical view through which he manages to lay the foundations of a philosophy with a tragic sense that opposes all speculative and positivist thinking. For Shestov, scientism, positivism and philosophy, reduced themselves to an abstract thinking, represent a threat to separate human beings from their tragic destiny, from their consciousness of finitu-de, as well as from faith itself, limiting philosophical thinking to abstractions that do not respond to the fundamental questions of existence. In these pages I intend to analyze this philosophical universe of the Shestovian tradition with the aim of highlighting the importance of rescuing a thinker like him, in the context of the increasingly reductionist philosophical thinking of our time.


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Author Biography

Catalina Elena Dobre, Anahuac University

Doctora en filosofía por la Universidad "A.I. Cuza" Iasi, Rumania. Profesora-Investigadora de la Universidad Anáhuac México. Miembro del SNI Nivel I. Directora de la Revista Estudios Kierkegaardianos. Entre su sobras publicadas están: Rahel-Levin Varnhagen. El valor de la inteligencia femenina para la creación de la comunidad, IF Press, 2017.


Nota Bene: *Las traducciones de rumano y de ingles a español me pertenecen.

Camus Albert, El mito de Sísifo, Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2011.

Clark Ronald, “Lev Shestov and the Crisis of Modernity”, Revista Stvudia, XI-XII 2007-2008.

Finkenthal M., Lev Shestov: Existential Philosopher and Religious Thinker, New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2010.

Ogden Jijina Marina, “Readings of Nietzsche” in “Dostoievski and Nietzsche: The Philosophy of Tragedy” by Lev Shestov, Cyclops Journal, vol 1, London, 2016.

Roque Alejandro Hermida, Pensamientos inmarcesibles (Introducción), en Lev Shestov, Atenas y Jerusalén, Madrid: Hemida Editores, 2018.

Shestov Lev, Revelatiile mortii (Las revelaciones de la muerte), Iasi (Rumania): Ed. Institutul European, 1993.

Shestov Lev, Apoteosis de lo infundado, Madrid: Hermida Ediciones, 2015.

Shestov Lev, Atenas y Jerusalén, Madrid: Hermida Ediciones, 2018.

Shestov Lev, Noche de Getsemaní, Buenos Aires: Ediciones Carro de heno, 2016, p. 36.

Shestov Lev, Kierkegaard and the Existential Philosophy, USA: Ohio University Press, 1969.

Shestov Lev, Filosofía de la tragedia, Buenos Aires: Emece Editores, 1949.

Consulta en línea:

Shein Luis J., “The Philosophy of Inifinite Possibility: An Examination of Lev Shestov´s Weltanschauung”, en https://www.utpjournals.press/doi/pdf/10.3138/uram.2.1.59 consultado el 18 de junio de 2019)

Shein Luis J., Lev Shestov: A Russian Existentialist, en The Russian Review, Vol. 26, No. 3, 1967, p. 278 (Jstor.org, consultado el 17 de mayo de 2019)

Berdyaev Nikolai, “The Fundamental Idea of the Philosophy of Lev Shestov” en: http://www.berdyaev.com/berdiaev/berd_lib/1938_439.html El texto original publicado en OSNOVNAYA IDEYA PHILOSOPHII L’VA SHESTOVA. Journal Put’, 1938, nov./dec. 1938 / jan. 1939, No. 58, traducido al inglés en 2000, por: Fr. S. Janos.



How to Cite

Dobre, C. E. (2020). Lev Shestov’s Philosophical View. Metafísica Y Persona, (23). https://doi.org/10.24310/Metyper.2020.v0i23.6564


