The Presence of Augustine of Hippo and Some Ancient Philosophers in Francis of Sales’s Account of Anger




Anger, Passions, Monastic Psychology, Philosophical Anthropology, Me-dieval Philosophy


This articles aims to analyze Francis of Sales’s notion of anger from a philosophical perspective, something uncommon among their interpreters, more inclined to draw near him as a theologian. For this purpose, first of all I intend for putting the issue in context from the existing debate in Ancient Philosophy between Seneca and Aristotle concerning the morality of anger and its anthropological value, followed by an Augustine of Hippo’s account of anger. Secondly, I address some anthropological considerations on anger carried out by Francis of Sales through some Greek, Medieval and Monastic authors with whom were related his thought. Finally, I make an appraisal of salesian stance about the moral value of anger, emphasizing that Francis of Sales was not really an stoic thinker, and at the same time, he separates himself from the aristotelian position on the matter.


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How to Cite

Téllez Maqueo, D. E. (2019). The Presence of Augustine of Hippo and Some Ancient Philosophers in Francis of Sales’s Account of Anger. Metafísica Y Persona, (21).


