Philosophy as Illness. An Introduction to Franz Rosenzweig’s Life and New Thinking


  • Kathia Verónica Arjona Díaz Metropolitan Autonomous University Mexico



Philosophy, Franz Rosenzweig, illness, new thinking, judaism, religion


According to Franz Rosenzweig, philosophy is usually understood, from Plato to Hegel, as something supreme, whole and essential. Philosophy is made only for those who are virtuous. The most important philosophical question is related to the being: What is?, it asks. But, when that question appears, the subject becomes ill. Rosenzweig thinks philosophy is an illness. It makes human understanding stop and become paralized. In order to live, men have to flow, to move, to be part of the world. And that, philosophy obstaculizes. Therefore, when philosphy exists, life diminishes in very different senses. Instead of philosophy: “new thinking”. Something that opens the conscience without paralyzing existence. 

Rosenzweig isn’t against philosophy itself, but against academic philosophy, against an only possible way of understanding, that is: the traditional point of view. In this sense, Judaism becomes an active part of this “new thinking”. There are other ways to achieve the truth. In this introductory essay we are going to explore who was Franz Rosenzweig, why does he thinks philosophy is an illness and why, Judaism plays an important part of this equation.


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Author Biography

Kathia Verónica Arjona Díaz, Metropolitan Autonomous University

Posgrado en Ciencias de las Religiones por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Estancia de Investigación en la Universidad de Friburgo. Archivo Husserl

Licenciada en Filosofía. Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes.

Actualmente cursa el doctorado en Humanidades por la Universidad Autónoma Meropolitana en el área de Filosofía Moral y Política, en la unidad Iztapalapa.


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How to Cite

Arjona Díaz, K. V. (2019). Philosophy as Illness. An Introduction to Franz Rosenzweig’s Life and New Thinking. Metafísica Y Persona, (21).


