Martin Seligman’s first proposal about happiness




Seligman, positive psychology, authentic happiness, eudaimonia, positive emotion


Seligman states, in Authentic Happiness (2002), that his main objective is to demonstrate that it is possible to increase authentic happiness through intentional actions studied by psychology and implemented by people all over the world in their daily lives. Indeed, in this first proposal, which will be later reformulated in Flourish (2011), he offers his readers three paths or three ways of life that promise to lead them, in a practical, effective and genuine way, to the longed-for happiness. This critical note intends to present his proposal, highlighting certain connections and implications. A synthetic and reasoned reading is proposed here. Positive psychology has been severely criticized for various reasons. At the same time, it is important to bear in mind that Seligman and positive psychologists have the merit of having promoted the study of happiness in the psychological field, considering it worthy of scientific attention.


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How to Cite

Bastos Andrade, L. (2023). Martin Seligman’s first proposal about happiness. Metafísica Y Persona, (30), 99–113.



Critical Notes