Trend or communicative interest in truth. Some aspects of the thought of Antonio Millán-Puelles




communicative interest, realism, truth, truthfulness, Millán-Puelles


This article seeks to develop the natural inclination that exists in man to communicate
the truth known by the intellect, from the thinking of the Spanish philosopher
Antonio Millán-Puelles. The Spanish author calls this phenomenon “communicative
interest” insofar as it is a mental attitude that inclines us to share intelligible truths. The
nature of lies and the ethical duties involved in the communication of truths in different
fields are also developed.


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How to Cite

Juri, Y. E. (2023). Trend or communicative interest in truth. Some aspects of the thought of Antonio Millán-Puelles. Metafísica Y Persona, (29), 117–134.



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