Heschel’s God. Approaches to the Absolute





Divinity, religión, spirituality, amazement, mistery


Based on Heschel´s reflections, the article alludes that there is no way to demonstrate God, but there is also no way to avoid the crossroads of his existence and his possible passion for man. The text pays special attention to showing that the notion about the perfection or eternity of God is subject to conditioned human perception. In this sense, there is no way to know God, except from the admission that it is He who seeks us. The idea of ??God in Heschel, more than being a conceptualization, is an invitation to transcend the stinging fantasy of controlling the ineffable.


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How to Cite

Sevilla Godínez, H. (2021). Heschel’s God. Approaches to the Absolute. Metafísica Y Persona, (26), 33–51. https://doi.org/10.24310/Metyper.2021.vi26.10742


