About some Consequences of the Heideggerian Interpretation of Monads as Representation According to Leibniz





substance, monadology, representation, mirror, soul, metaphysics, psychology


The following paper reflects on the interpretation conducted by M. Heidegger of the idea of substance as Leibniz understood it, namely as a monad. In order to carry out this task, the Marburg lecture of the summer semester in 19286 is taken as a basis. With the aim of identifying and evaluating the consequences of the Heideggerian interpretation, some explanations that complement the exposition and discussion are added. To this purpose, the lecture course given by Heidegger in the winter 1935/1936 at the University of Freiburg i. Br., is taken into account.


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Obras y ediciones de Leibniz utilizadas
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How to Cite

Neumann Soto, H. A. . (2020). About some Consequences of the Heideggerian Interpretation of Monads as Representation According to Leibniz. Metafísica Y Persona, (24), 85–100. https://doi.org/10.24310/Metyper.2020.vi24.10048


