Bernard Lassus: a ”Demeasurable” Practice for Landscape




Landscape and landscapism, landscaper inhabitant, environment, percep-tion, imagination


This article does not propose to explain the theoretical approach and practice of Ber-nard Lassus but it aims to redraw its genesis. At the heart of the ”demeasurable”, the qua-lity of landscape to extend itself further than its real surface, the article proposes through a movement playing between the experiences and concepts, which lead to an open piece, to follow the career of this singular landscaper. This text reminds that landscape eludes every definition. Constituted with the interrelations of its component elements, the landscape, or better ”a” landscape refers to the hypothesis that the perception raises on the environment. Based on the fundamental experience on light, color and visibility of the objects, referring to the practice of perception and imagination, Bernard Lassus has elaborated the concepts of trams, belvedere or minimal intervention. Then, fulfilled by new visual and tactile ex-perimentations and by the development of a sort of vernacular landscapist and its actors ”landscaper Inhabitant”, his concepts have again evolved. These evolutions lead Bernard Lassus to express his personal conception of landscape project, the aesthetic and the im-portant ethical character of it. The article concludes on what should be a public policy on landscape, in order to be authentically democratic.


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How to Cite

Arbesú Verduzco, L. I. . (2020). Bernard Lassus: a ”Demeasurable” Practice for Landscape. Metafísica Y Persona, (24), 101–113.


