That Pregnant and Fatal Will to Power: An Approach to the issue of «Women» in Nietzschean Work


  • Vir Cano Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina



pregnant woman, life, women, will to power


This paper seeks to analyze those aspects in which certain Nietzschean fascination with the feminine can be observed, without thereby closing the discussion about the misogynist elements that inhabit the corpus of his philosophy. For this, I am going to delve into the claim and affirmation of the feminine as a fundamental conceptual key to interpret the thesis on life and the will to power. The aim will be to show that the woman affirmed by Nietzsche identifies with the figure of the pregnant woman, who is capable of creating beyond herself and, therefore, is also capable of perishing.



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How to Cite

Cano, V. (2023). That Pregnant and Fatal Will to Power: An Approach to the issue of «Women» in Nietzschean Work. Estudios Nietzsche, (23), 47–66.