The Microorganisms and the Spirit of Woodstock


  • Jose María Pérez Pomares Spain


Microorganisms, Spirit of Woodstock, massive control


In this issue 127 of Encounters in Biology, Dr. Máximo Sandín proposes a reflection on the dangers of massive control of microorganisms. The topic, no doubt, is one of those we usually call “hot” and it is not difficult to understand that sometimes it is important, if not essential, to take advantage of the opportunities that are offered to us to rekindle this important discussion. However, when addressing the issue, Dr. Sandín opts for a somewhat partial analysis, in which Darwinian theory, coupled with some of the principles of the so-called “market”, is responsible for what is defined in the text as the “degradation of human relationships and of men with nature


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How to Cite

Pérez Pomares, J. M. (2010). The Microorganisms and the Spirit of Woodstock. Encuentros En La Biología, 3(127), 13–14. Retrieved from