Artificial Life: At the Crossroads


  • José David Fernández Rodríguez Spain


life artificial


 In recent decades, the dividing line between Biology and Computer Science has gradually blurred. On the one hand, a large number of computational methods (collectively known as bioinspired methods) have emerged from a wide variety of biological systems or processes, such as evolutionary algorithms, artificial neural networks, or membrane-based computing. On the other hand, scientific advancement in the vast majority of Biology disciplines has led researchers to rely entirely on computer systems and computational methods for the processing, analysis, and synthesis of information, as is the case with Genomics, Proteomics, and other biological disciplines aided by Bioinformatics tools123. This highlights the increasing intersection of biology and computer science, and the significant role of computational methods in advancing biological research


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Christopher Langton (editor), 1987. Artificial Life: Proceedings Of An Interdisciplinary Workshop On The Synthesis And Simulation Of Living Systems. Editorial Westview Press. ISBN 9780201093568.

Christopher Langton, 1997. Artificial Life: An Overview. Editorial The MIT Press. ISBN 9780262621120.

Rafael Lahoz Beltrá, 2004. Bioinformática: Simulación, Vida Artificial e Inteligencia Artificial. Editorial Díaz De San- tos. ISBN 8479786450.

Jose David Fernández Rodríguez, 2012. The Evolution of Diversity in the Structure and Function of Artificial Organisms. Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de Málaga.



How to Cite

Fernández Rodríguez, J. D. (2014). Artificial Life: At the Crossroads. Encuentros En La Biología, 7(147), 29–34. Retrieved from