European Union vs GMOs: a decision for the future


  • Fernando de la Torre Spain
  • Rafael A Cañas Spain


European Union, GMOs


We Europeans have historically been very prone to pride ourselves on a millennial history that has been articulated as a melting pot of different cultures that have combined in one way or another to result in what we are today. From a purely biological point of view, we can see how all this mix of cultures has been accompanied from the beginning by a mix of human populations from points as diverse as the Mediterranean basin, the Urals, Scandinavia and more recently Africa, America or the Far East. This mix, which is of genes, gives rise to our Europe, a genetically modified continent (GMC). It is therefore somewhat paradoxical that the current Europe, administratively represented by the European Union (EU), is one of the most active opponents to the cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) of plant nature.


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Morris SH, Spillane C. GM directive deficiencies in the European Union. The current framework for regulating GM crops in the EU weakens the precautionary principle as a policy tool. EMBO Rep 9: 500–504, 2008.

Masip G, Sabalza M, Pérez-Massot E, Banakar R, Cebrian D, Twyman RM, Capell T, Albajes R, Christou P. Paradoxical EU agricultural policies on genetically engineered crops. Trends Plant Sci 18: 312-324, 2013.

Adenle AA. Response to issues on GM agriculture in Africa: Are transgenic crops safe? BMC Res Notes 4:388, 2011.

Park J, McFarlane I, Phipps R, Ceddia G. The impact of the EU regulatory constraint of transgenic crops on farm income. Nat Biotech 28:396-406, 2011.

Más información: Panel de expertos en organismos modificados genéticamente de la Agencia Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria http://



How to Cite

de la Torre, F., & Cañas , R. A. (2014). European Union vs GMOs: a decision for the future. Encuentros En La Biología, 7(151), 184–185. Retrieved from


