An ethics for synthetic biology?


  • Jordi Maiso Spain


synthetic biology, engineering, biological systems


With advances in sequencing techniques and insertion of synthetic genomes into recipient cells, the foundations are being laid for a new discipline full of promise, synthetic biology. Its objective is the design and manufacture of biological systems that do not exist in nature or the modification of already existing biological systems. With it, biology promises to become a subject of engineering, and living organisms into an extremely promising technological resource. According to this we would be facing the “dawn of a new era of biological creation” (Venter 2013, 16); a horizon “in which science and technology allow us to reduplicate and improve what nature has produced” (Church 2012, 12).1 Without a doubt, the discourse of synthetic biologists often takes on the tone of the great pioneers who discover terra incognita, but if the expansion of the horizon of the possible generates enthusiasm, it is also accompanied by shadows of uncertainty


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How to Cite

Maiso, J. (2015). An ethics for synthetic biology?. Encuentros En La Biología, 8(153), 21–24. Retrieved from