Pressures and impacts on the environment: the need for an ecosystem approach


  • Jaime Rodríguez Martínez Spain


Pressures, impact, responses, ecosystem approach, diversity, services, well-being, models


Human activities exert pressures that cause impacts on the environment. These changes affect to the flow of ecosystem services, whose integrity is fundamental for human wellbeing. The analysis of relationships between people and nature is complicated by ecosystem complexity and the uncertainty derived from the present global change conditions. This requires a holistic way-of-thinking like that of the ecosystem approach and the social-ecological conceptual model, with emphasis on the role of ecosystem services on human wellbeing.

Some examples of legal regulation in the marine environment show that the ecosystem approach goes beyond the conceptual or theoretical value. As the Convention on Biological Diversity proposes, the ecosystem approach has a strategic, operative value in the analysis of environmental problems and concerns. I introduce one of the models designed for this kind of analysis. The model derives from the Program of Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and describes the following cyclic sequence: indirect pressures (or indirect drivers of ecosystem change), direct pressures (or direct drivers of change), ecosystem state (biological diversity and ecological functions), ecosystem services, human wellbeing and responses (actions and interventions aimed at reducing both the causes and the negative effects of human activities on the natural and social systems).


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Martínez, J. (2016). Pressures and impacts on the environment: the need for an ecosystem approach. Encuentros En La Biología, 9(158), 97–102. Retrieved from


