The politician and the scientist


  • Federico J C- Soriguer Escofet Spain



Weber, scientist, politician


At the time when Weber wrote his booklet, science had already laid the epistemological foundations on which the enormous subsequent growth would take place. In fact, it had been more than a quarter of a century since Don Santiago Ramón y Cajal had written his “Rules and Advice on Scientific Research” (1989) as a result of his inaugural speech at the Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences in 1897, or the Vienna Circle (1921) had been founded, which would have such a later influence on the debate on scientific logic. However, probably neither Cajal, nor Weber himself, nor the eminent scientists and philosophers of the Vienna Circle, imagined the gigantic acceleration that would take place in the generation of knowledge and in the management of that knowledge in the last half century. And it is about this latter that we will talk, albeit briefly


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How to Cite

C- Soriguer Escofet, F. J. (2020). The politician and the scientist . Encuentros En La Biología, 13(172), 12–26.