Consuming us beyond our own nature


  • Luis Rodríguez Caso Spain



United Nations, enviorement, climate change, ecology, global ecology, deep ecology


For almost five decades The United Nations have been working on the development of an environmental agenda that engages the countries of the world. The current climatic and environmental emergency had been announced by the scientists of the 70s, and it was already noted at that time that the social, economic and environmental conception of the world was not going well. Despite all the warnings, the administrative ap- paratus, treaties, conferences, protocols and reports, humanity is still consuming itself beyond its own nature to this day. In the current world of information, we, saturated with it, know little about the administrative work or the scientific references that drag the global climate agenda. This article presents a brief historical archive of the climate agenda, recovering part of the academic and the scientific spirit it has promoted.


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Informe de la Comisión Mundial sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo. Digitized by Dag Hammarskjöld Library, 1987.
Informe de la Cumbre Mundial sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible. Naciones Unidas. Nueva York, 2002.
Resolución aprobada por la Asamblea General el 24 de diciem- bre de 2009. Ejecución del Programa 21 y del Plan para su ulterior ejecución, y aplicación de los resultados de la Cumbre Mundial sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible. Nueva York, 2010.
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Gaia, Oxford University Press, Nueva York, James Lovelock, 1979.



How to Cite

Rodríguez Caso , L. (2020). Consuming us beyond our own nature. Encuentros En La Biología, 13(174), 39–42.


