A local approach to better understand the large-scale dispersal and growth of Argentine parrot populations as an invasive species


  • Sandro López-Ramírez Spain
  • Antonio Román Muñoz Spain




Biological invasions, Dispersion, Malaga, Myiopsitta monachus, Psittacidae


Invasive species are currently a topic of  interest  to  environmental  management  agencies and the media  because  of the socio-economic  and environmental problems they cause. The Monk parakeet,     a parrot  originally from  South America,  and now established as an invasive species  in North America,   Asia,  Africa and Western Europe,  is a clear  example of this, especially in some cities where  populations    are growing rapidly and its distribution is continuously expanding. The first record  of this invasive species  in Spain  dates from  1975 and since  it has expanded its range  over large  areas  of the country,  especially    in and around large cities. Málaga has one of the largest populations in Spain  where, in the absence of  control measures, the species continues to increase in numbers and range. In this study, we document how a population reaches its carrying capacity, which favours the dispersal of the species to surrounding areas. Studying the populations of the species at a local  scale  helps us to estimate the number of parrots  that a  given area can support and also to predict more accurately the future occupation of favourable areas for the species. This would help to prevent the settlement of individuals in unoccupied areas and help to mitigate potential environmental impacts and conflicts with humans


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How to Cite

López-Ramírez, S. ., & Román Muñoz, A. (2023). A local approach to better understand the large-scale dispersal and growth of Argentine parrot populations as an invasive species. Encuentros En La Biología, 16(186), 11–14. https://doi.org/10.24310/enbio.v16i186.17162


