The RNA-N6 methylome -adenosine and its relationship with cancer


  • Francisco Ortigosa Spain
  • Jose Miguel Valderrama Martín Spain
  • Rafael Cañas Spain



N6-methyladenosine, m6A, epitranscriptomics, METTL3, METTL14, cancer


N6-methyladenosine is one of the most common modifications in RNA and plays a crucial role in the expression of certain groups of genes. The addition of this chemical modification is carried out through a protein complex called methyloma and more specifically through the RNA-N6-methyltransferases, playing a key role in important cellular processes within the RNA metabolism such as stabilizing or degrading messenger RNA (mRNA) or promoting the translation of certain mRNAs. In this way, the function of these proteins have been related to different types of cancers and their aggressiveness.


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How to Cite

Ortigosa, F., Valderrama Martín , J. M. ., & Cañas, R. . (2022). The RNA-N6 methylome -adenosine and its relationship with cancer. Encuentros En La Biología, 15(181), 15–20.