Contribution to the study of fungi whose carpophores grow on the Pinaceae family (Gen. Pinus L.) in Spain (1st contribution)


  • J. L. García Manjón Departamento de Bota?nica. Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad de Alcala? de Henares (Madrid). Spain
  • G. Moreno Departamento de Bota?nica. Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad de Alcala? de Henares (Madrid). Spain





In order to determine wether there is any specific group of fungi able to fructify on plant debris from the genus Pinas L., a Sheme of work was made, introducing new signs for it. 8 new taxons are described, being a contribution to the spanish mycological catalogue. The presence in Spain of Ascobolus archeri formely known only in Tasmania (Australia) should be pointed out.


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How to Cite

García Manjón, J. L., & Moreno, G. (1980). Contribution to the study of fungi whose carpophores grow on the Pinaceae family (Gen. Pinus L.) in Spain (1st contribution). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 6, 149–174.


