Review of the genus Phlomis L. (Labiatae) in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands
palabra clave 1Abstract
The taxa of the genus Phlomis L. spontaneous in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands are revised, studying the trichomes, pollen and morphology, for determination a key is given. Eleven tuca at different ranks, included in six species, are recognised; the status of P. x trullenquei Pau, P. x almijarensis and P. crinita Cav. var. malacitana Pau are changed, and all of them included in P. composita Pau as notomorpha; P. lychnitis L. var. virens Rivas today & Bellot is relegated to the synonymy; the consideration of P. herba-venti L. var. tomentosa loins. is accepted and P. pungens Willd., P. herba-venti L. var. pungens (Willd.) Schmalh. and P. herba-venti L. subsp. pungens (Willd.) Maine ex De Fillpps are also relegated to the synonymy. At last the presence of P. fruticosa L. and P. purpurea L. subsp. caballeroi (Pau) Rivas-Marti?nez as spontaneous taxa is not confirmed.
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