Contribution to the knowledge of the vegetation of Andalusia. II. The cork oak forests


  • Andre?s V. Perez Latorre Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Ma?laga. Spain
  • Jose? M. Nieto Caldera Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Ma?laga. Spain
  • Baltasar Cabezudo Spain



Quercus suber woods, Andalusia, Spain, vegetation


Andalusian communities characterized by Quercussuberpresence as well as shrublands and scrublands linked to them were studied in this work. We describe the potential vegetation (ordo Quercetalia ilicis), shrublands communities (ordo Pistacio-Rhamnetalia alaterni and ordo Cytisetalia scopario-striati), persisting herbaceous communities (ordo Origanetalia vulgaris), and serial scrublands (classis Cisto-Lavanduletea and Calluno-Ulicetea). After a brief introduction to geology, bioclimatology and biogeography of the area, the studied associations are described and inventory tables are enclosed for the new ones proposed: Myrto communis-Quercetum suberis halimietosum halimifolii and lavanduletosum luisieri, Tamo communis- Oleetum sylvestris quercetosum suberis, Asparago aphylli-Calicotometumvillosae genistetosutn linifoliae, Asparago albi-Rhamnetum aleoidis erice tosum scopariae, Bupleuro gibraltarici-Pistacietum lentisci adenocarpetosum telonensis, Phyllireo angustifoliae-Quercetum lusitanicae quercetosum rotundifoliae, Cytiso baetici-Arbutetumunedi bupleuretosumfruticosi, Calamintho baeticae-Gallietum scabri lamietosum flexuosi and digitaletosum bocquetii, Genisto hirsutae-Cistetutn ladaniferi halimietosum viscosii, Ulici eriocladi-Cistetum ladaniferi ericetosum australis, Erico australis-Cistetum populifolii halimietosum viscosii, Cisto salvtfolii-Ulicetum australis, Genisto tridentis-Stauracanthetum boivinii quercetosum lusitanicae and ulicetosum baetici, Junco rugosi-Ericetum andevalensis ulicetosum erioc ladi is described in the text. San guisorbo hybridae-Quercetum suberis quercetosum canariensis is lectotypified and Pyro bourgaeanae-Quercetum rotundifoliae quercetosum sube ris is neotypified. Finally, the seven vegetation series found in the studied area, With Quercus suben presence, are enumerated.


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How to Cite

Perez Latorre, A. V., Nieto Caldera, J. M., & Cabezudo , B. (1993). Contribution to the knowledge of the vegetation of Andalusia. II. The cork oak forests. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 18, 223–258.




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